Collection Canadensis series

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Established in 2005, Canadensis, literally "of Canada", is a collection of peer-reviewed volumes devoted to the study of Canadian literature, history, geography, politics and the arts. Each volume, placed under the editorship of a Canadianist colleague, gathers together articles written by European and Canadian scholars, reviewed by a panel of specialists on the chosen topic. This collection is partially funded by the canadian departement of foreign affairs and international trade, as well as the CRINI at the University of Nantes.

Canadensis n° 1 : Atwood on her work: Poems open the doors. Novels are the corridors

Ouvrage coordonné par Christine Evain et Reena Khandpur, en collaboration avec le Centre d'Études sur le Canada, 2006, 187 pages, ISBN 2-9521752-9-2, 20 €.

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Canadensis n° 2 : The Politics and Poetics of Passage in Canadian and Australian Culture and Fiction

Ouvrage coordonné par Charlotte Sturgess, en collaboration avec le Centre d'Études sur le Canada de Strasbourg, 2006, 223 pages, ISBN 2-916424-02-4, 20 €.

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Canadensis n°3 : Her Na-rra-tion: Women's Narratives of the Canadian Nation

Ouvrage coordonné par Françoise Le Jeune et Charlotte Sturgess, en collaboration avec le Centre d'Études sur le Canada de Strasbourg, 2009, 193 pages, ISBN 2-916424-15-6, 20 €.

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Mis à jour le 14 avril 2022.